Sunday, April 24, 2011

APRIL 2ND 2011

I was about 8yrs old. It was the summer of 1992. Thats my first retrievable memory of my involvement in a world cup cricket match. It was the Benson and Hedges Cup down under. I feigned an abdomen ache. My dad baby sat me. We had a ball!India lost to Australia. Our tail failed to wag in that match and the lean figures of Javagal Srinath and Venkatapathy Raju making a mockery of a chasable last over and the contrasting huge figure of David Boon with his thick moustache jumping on the pitch are vivid in my head. World Cup cricket had hit my body system - whether it was because of the kick i got out of successfully feigning illness or watching television with my dad or if it was that thick moustache(!) i dont know. But i got the taste of the KICK!
I was not born when Kapils Devils won in 1983 at Lords. So post 92, i've been keenly and passionately following the Men in Blue(varying shades and personnel) and waiting for nearly two decades like many of my generation.
For the record, April 2nd 2011 was a Saturday. India was in a frenzy after defeating Pakistan in Mohali. I could not sleep properly the previous night. The roads of Delhi were surprisingly deserted and it was like an unsaid understanding that the whole country will be heading in one direction that afternoon.
I watched the first half of the match in Cafe Morrison. Noisy, glitzy and we were screaming our lungs out. Jimmy Morrison (after whom the place is named) would have loved to be there that afternoon. I have never ever seen an Indian team field the way they did that afternoon at Wankhede. India played almost the pefect game. Almost. Mahela Jayawardene spoilt the party for us - his wife waving and cheering with her cool shades on is one more of those vivid moments.
India began the chase and started off terribly. Sachin, the God, at home with history beckoning on him got out cheaply. We left the Doors of Morrison. I could palpate the sulk of a country!
The rest of the match was in a much more sedate environment in the hostel room. I had to bear the mourning of my friend who babbled that we may not see the Cup in our lifetime.. India are chokers and all that.
MSD walked in with some 167 odd runs more required and played a blinder. Gautham Gambhir played a great innings too and got out just short of a century. India won.
Pinch you goddamn very hard!!..... INDIA WON THE WORLD CUP!..
My friend who sulked all along was dumbstruck.. like many others.
We went to India Gate at midnight.. It took us three hours to reach a 4km distance. I understood in one crystal clear blow how sport(cricket in particular in India) can unite a country irrespective of caste, race and creed. Flags waving, horns honking, loud patriotic music, folks on their car tops - topless! and what not. "Ab Party baaki he" was the chorus.
For long, Indians were considered as pushovers - lacking that killer instinct and aggressiveness to seize the big stage. The Cup was a strong message - to the world and an unmatched boost to the self belief of every indian - in every walk of life - right from the chai walas to the dabbawalas and the CEO's of MNC's that WE CAN DO IT!
Thanks to MSD's Men in Blue! - We are the Champions!